candy drawing Some children like to eat it and some people like to draw, so we are going to learn this drawing step by step in this tutorial inside this post.
how to draw candy
Keep in mind that you will need some material for drawing like
- pencil
- rubber & cutter
- color box
- drawing copy
STEP-1 draw circle in notebook

With the help of divider we have drawn the outline of a circle.
STEP-2 add design to candy

After this, designs have been added inside them, to draw it, you can draw by looking at the image.
STEP 3 Draw the outline of more designs

Similarly we have made outline to give two more designs
STEP- 4 add candy stick

Now this is the last step in which to make the stick of candy you can use the scale for this
candy coloring pages

As you can see that our drawing has been completed in this way, now it is left to fill the color, if you do not do this drawing, then you can save this image.
STEP-7 candy drawing with colour

To fill color in these, we have used green yellow blue chocolaty color, while coloring, keep in mind that do not remove outside the outline, after that the drawing will be colored very well.
how to improve drawing
- You need to practice again and again to improve drawing
- While drawing, your focus should be on drawing only
- If you do not understand anything, then you can get an idea by
- looking at the images in the internet.
If you get to learn something from this drawing, as well as any kind of problem, then you must comment me in the comment box.
I will definitely try to solve this problem for you guys.