How To Draw A- Dinosaur Drawing Cute

Dinosaur Drawing Cute Will understand it in easy steps and try to explain it to you because this special drawing is made for children but if you are interested in this drawing then read the post completely.

dinosaur a type of species that is extinct in today’s time but it is estimated and drawing them

Dinosaur Drawing Cute Draw

  • pencil
  • rubber & cutter
  • color box
  • drawing copy

STEP -1 draw dinosaur face

draw dinosaur face

In the shape of the box, you have to make an outline in the copy with the help of a pencil, which looks like a simple box for this you must see the image once.

STEP -2 Draw two eyes of dinosaur

draw two eyes of dinosaur

After that you have to draw two eyes in this box shape and that eye should appear like a small circle.

STEP -3 Draw dinosaur mouth

After that you have to draw the mouth at the bottom and draw sharp teeth inside the mouth, for this you must see the image.

Add dinosaur’s two hands

Similarly you should make the hand of dinosaur by making zigzag outline and there it should be inside the box

STEP -4 Draw dinosaur two legs

Now from here you have to draw a simple leg which should be on both the right and left side, you can also use the image for this.

STEP -5 Dinosaur draw spikes and tail

Similarly, this is our last step in which we will draw the tail brow of the dinosaur and also draw its pointed part or after taking it, the outline of our drawing is complete.

Dinosaur drawing With Colour

Dinosaur drawing

You can use green and yellow color to color, but if you feel that this color is not good, then you can fill another color in the drawing.

fish drawing
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cat drawing


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drawing, do also comment, we will be helpful in helping you, till today’s post See you in the next post till then