Hello friends, welcome again to your website, in today’s editing, we are going to teach you Danish Jain photo editing, that too in a very short step, you need Snapchat to learn this editing, to download the snapseed app, then play You will go to the store and download from there, in this editing, Danish zehen we are going to use 3 tools and a background, in the
background below, I will give you go and download from there, this photo editing is the easiest in very easy step. If I teach, please read the complete post, with this let’s start editing.
Danish zehen photo editing
First of all you
snapssed has to be opened, after opening, friends simply add the background in the background, I will give the background in the below, now go and download it from there, after that you have to click on the account with the pencil, after clicking in the icon, you will Select the photo you want to edit, after visiting the gallery, select the photo to increase the office city, after increasing, you have to write friends, after writing, the black effect will come to your background to remove the stock edit option. After clicking on it, click on it in the view edit and the pencil is on it. By clicking on the work, you can remove the double effect in zero time. After removing you have to write it right. After writing right, friends again.
Step 2 Click on the icon with a pencil, then click on the white balance and the white balance is a little bigger then fly.
Now use granny film tool, so you have to come to the tool bar, after that click in granny film tool and its structure is zero and keep the above option around 20 and then write it down. So, friends here will become your complete, if you like the post, then please like it, you will get a comment in the next post. Bye Bye