Ice cream drawing In today’s post, you will learn how to draw it in a few minutes, you will follow such a step in which you will not know the time at all and you will complete the ice cream drawing
how to draw ice cream
notice For drawing this picture you will need some material like pencil rubber cutter color etc
cream draw
Draw a curves line to make a cream picture, after that draw three more same lines, now you have to make an H line and connect them all, for example, given in a picture in the same way

how to draw cone
To make this make simple V cutting and join together in that cream 2 to 3 more steps are left for your drawing to be almost complete

how to make ice cream drawing unique
To add some creativity to it you can make mouth eyes to make it look unique and impress the kids this drawing also looks awesome

more related
what is ice cream
This is one type of painting in which children like to participate in these because here in a way we get the drawing project in schools which we call the homework of children.
Ice cream is such a drawing that anyone can easily make, so use this drawing
Its work is done in many things like in improving the drawing, many people make its project, in which graphic photos are made and sold, similarly the quality of this drawing is different
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