how to cute pokemon drawing easy step by step

cute pokemon drawing this is great post for kids because inside this post we will learn how to draw it step by step the best thing is there is no difficulty at all and you can easily drop in few minutes

draw cute pokemon with the help of images

How to draw step by step through this image, you can see everything, it will be easier for you to understand than to read

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how to draw cute pokemon

Keep in mind that you will need some material for drawing like

  • pencil
  • rubber & cutter
  • color box
  • drawing copy

where to start this drawing

With the help of pencil or marker a triangle box is to be made, after that you have to make two point eyes and one point nose
to come to the next step

draw pokemon mouth

draw the outline from the left side and move it upwards where the nose is in the same way draw the outline from the right side and match both of them

after that make a half ball from the side and connect the right and left side if you don’t understand coming then you can take help of image

draw make ears and hand

Cute pokemon drawing is a cartoon drawing, we will make a small half circle to make a simple hand, in the body and to

make ears, you will need an image, so you must see the image given above

make a pokemon tail

Friends there are many types of preparations, you can put your own method in it, but keep one point in mind, whenever you go to make something make something

from left to right, you can also make a simple question or what we have taught. Image You can also make it in that way, after making it your drawing will be completely

how to improve drawing

For this, analyze yourself how to make a drawing

If you are not able to think, then Chrome browser or this website has very good drawing images, you can take your own help

After that, the more you practice, the more your drawing will become clear

Make at least five drawings a day


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